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Working in Germany
The need for qualified personnel, especially in healthcare, is at an extreme level in Germany and other EU countries. There is a serious gap

There is a gap in qualified and qualified personnel in EU countries, especially in the field of health.
It arranges the health institution where you will work. On your behalf
We also mediate the contract with the health institution and you and keep you safe.
We will also assist you with your visa procedures, accommodation and language courses during your journey.
Contact us and we will find the right solution for you.
Especially if you have a degree in healthcare.
Please send us your CV and diploma;
We contact health institutions on your behalf and After the meeting/Agreement between you and the healthcare provider over the internet.
We help with visa and transportation.
We will also support you with accommodation and language courses if necessary.
Everything is LEGAL and OFFICIAL Your visa along with your work permit and work invitation letter to work visa transforms.

Intensive care
Dental Auxiliary
Tooth technician

Kiss. Doctor
Specialist Doctor
Emergency Department Dr.

IT Specialist
IT Technician

Database Specialist
SAP Expert

Alpaslan Cakir
Wolfgang-A.-Mozart-Strasse 21
97828 Marktheidenfeld
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